In 2007-2009 the leading Ukrainian private stevedoring company Transinvestservice Ltd. (TIS Ltd.) was pursuing a project of a Ro-Ro terminal in port of Yuzhny.
The main advantages of the project were the depths alongside, infrastructure benefits, substantial area prospects of the site, and the quality commitment of the private port operators. Behind this project there were the best professionals available with experience in Ro-Ro port operations in Ukraine as well as worldwide. I had an honour to be a part of that team as the Manager in charge of the terminal construction and set-up of the operations. Unfortunately in early 2009 the project got suspended and finally totally frozen due to the collapse of the automotive market.
Here you are I post the last presentations for the project as today the interest to the TIS Ro-Ro is reviving, although not in the cargo volumes that were reckoned on and with the other people at the backstage.
2009 presentations for TIS Auto Terminal (TIS Ltd, port of Yuzhny, Ukraine) in Russian and in English.
Презентации ТИС Авто Терминала (ООО "ТИС", порт Южный, Украина) 2009 года на русском и английском.
2009 TIS Auto Terminal Presentation En
2009 TIS Auto Terminal Presentation Ru
2009 TIS Auto Terminal (TransRussia) Ru
Friday, 18 February 2011
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