Tuesday 27 April 2021

Electronic certificates in Maritime

The IMO Facilitation Committee approved circular, FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2 - Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates, at its 40th session in April 2016.

Section 7 of FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2 provides that port State control officers and other stakeholders should accept electronic certificates that contain the features identified in section 4.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO), has agreed that a certificate may be considered as "original" or "authentic" while containing an "authorized" electronically applied signature or stamp.



Saturday 10 April 2021

BTM for PCC - it is one month old!

10th of March 2021 my Principles launched the specialized Bridge Team Management course for car carriers. That became possible as the result of collaboration with one of the world class simulation providers, pioneering in the cloud simulation.

As the author of this course, I focused on the exercises which match typical challenges for the bridge team of a 6000 CEU PCTC: windy Northern Europe locks, weathery anchorages and ports, unknown elements to compensate for, the pilots and tugs that are not magic...

This 3-day course has been aimed at developing teamwork ability, enhancing shiphandling and bridge team management techniques with reference to a car carrier specifics, i.e.: high windage area, high elevation and forward navigating bridges, high power to dwt ratio, egg-shaped underwater body, etc.

During the simulation, participants are expected to make effective use of Navigational procedures and checklists, apply COLREGs, practice MRM and BTM concepts, observe requirements of the STCW code and other relevant industrial guidelines and regulations.

The first batch of trainees were exceptionally experienced officers, who contributed lots to the simulation exercises development by their feedback. Now, one month after its birth, the course lives and gets stronger.

As it is always with a new project launched, it grows being de-bugged, developed and updated to suit the needs of the car carrier teams. I feel honoured to have it in my hands and see the results in front of my eyes. Hope for making a difference in better awareness, skills and safety for the PCC officers.

Alexey O. Chepok

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